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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(2): 606-615, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287577


RESUMEN El tiro es practicado en su mayoría por policías o militares. Ha llegado a ser un deporte olímpico donde se destaca la prueba de pistola con aire, la cual requiere una concentración mental extrema y precisión en sus movimientos para lograr efectividad en el disparo. En este trabajo, los autores se propusieron como objetivo identificar los datos cinemáticos del complejo brazo-arma en estado normal y de excitación durante la ejecución del tiro, considerando variables a la frecuencia cardíaca, la efectividad del disparo y los ángulos de las principales articulaciones (glecohumeral) que permiten la ejecución de la técnica. Como parte de la metodología, esta investigación se implementó en el polígono de tiro cerrado de la Escuela Superior Militar "Eloy Alfaro" y se analizaron a siete deportistas que conforman los equipos de Tiro de la Fuerza Terrestre y Aérea ecuatoriana. Se analizó la frecuencia cardíaca (en cuatro fases), la efectividad del disparo (en tres oportunidades) y el ángulo de la articulación glenohumeral en estado de reposo y en excitación, donde se realizaron las comparaciones pertinentes. Como resultados del estudio, se muestra que los valores medios de la frecuencia cardíaca fueron significativamente diferentes (p=0.001), al ser mayores en estado de excitación. La efectividad del disparo no establece diferencias significativas (p=0.620) entre estados, al igual que los ángulos de la articulación glenohumeral (p=0.209). Se concluye que no hay diferencias significativas en la efectividad de los disparos en excitación y en reposo, indicador de una buena preparación física, aunque hay menor efectividad del disparo en estado de excitación.

RESUMO O tiro é praticado principalmente pela polícia ou militares, tornou-se um desporto olímpico onde se destaca o exame da pistola de ar, o que requer uma concentração mental extrema e precisão nos seus movimentos para se conseguir eficácia no tiro. Neste trabalho, os autores visam identificar os dados cinemáticos do complexo braço-arma em estado normal e excitado durante a execução do tiro, considerando variáveis como o ritmo cardíaco, a eficácia do tiro e os ângulos das articulações principais (glecohumeral) que permitem a execução da técnica. Como parte da metodologia, esta pesquisa foi implementada na carreira de tiro fechado da Escola Superior Militar "Eloy Alfaro" e foram analisados sete atletas que compõem as equipas de tiro do Exército e da Força Aérea equatoriana. O ritmo cardíaco foi analisado (em quatro fases), a eficácia do tiro (em três oportunidades) e o ângulo da articulação glenoumeral em estado de repouso e em excitação, onde foram feitas as comparações correspondentes. Como resultados do estudo, mostra-se que os valores médios da frequência cardíaca eram significativamente diferentes (p=0,001), sendo mais elevados no estado excitado. A eficácia do tiro não estabelece diferenças significativas (p=0,620) entre estados físicos, bem como os ângulos de articulação glenoumeral (p=0,209). Conclui-se que não há diferenças significativas na eficácia de disparar em estado de excitação e em repouso, um indicador de boa preparação física, embora haja menos eficácia de disparar em estado de excitação.

ABSTRACT Shooting is practiced mostly by police or military, it has become an Olympic sport where the air pistol test stands out, which requires extreme mental concentration and precision in its movements to achieve effectiveness in the shot. In this work, the authors aim to identify the kinematic data of the arm-weapon complex in normal and excited state during the execution of the shot, considering variables such as heart rate, the effectiveness of the shot and the angles of the main joints (glecohumeral) that allow the execution of the technique. As part of the methodology, this research was implemented in the closed shooting range of the Escuela Superior Militar "Eloy Alfaro" and seven athletes that form the shooting teams of the Ecuadorian Army and Air Force were analyzed. The heart rate (in four phases), the effectiveness of the shot (in three opportunities) and the angle of the glenohumeral joint in resting and excited states were analyzed, where the pertinent comparisons were made. As results of the study, it is shown that the mean values of the heart rate were significantly different (p=0.001), being higher in the excited state. The effectiveness of the shot does not establish significant differences (p=0.620) between states, as well as the glenohumeral joint angles (p=0.209). It is concluded that there are no significant differences in the effectiveness of shooting in excitement and at rest, an indicator of good physical preparation, although there is less effectiveness of shooting in the excited state.

Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ; (12): 583-587, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429200


Objective To explore the influence of gender and age on hip and plantar pressure changes in the sit-to-stand transition. Methods Kinematic parameters such as changes in hip joint angle,motor velocity and speed,and also plantar pressure changes such as stress,pressure and contact area were observed as subjects of different ages and genders performed sit-to-stand transitions. Results ①Hip kinematics:The speeds of trunk movement and hip joint angle change in men and women were significantly different.Their average speed in rising was also significantly different.The young and middle-aged people rose faster with faster hip joint angle changes than the elderly.Their total rising time was therefore significantly shorter as well.()Plantar pressure kinematics:The men's plantar pressures were significantly higher than those of the women throughout the rising process.The plantar pressure of the young and middle-aged subjects was also significantly higher than that of the elderly.At the last stage of sit-to-stand transfer process the ground contact area of the women's was significantly larger,on average,than that of the men,and the elderly had significantly larger contact areas than young or middle-aged people. Conclusion During sit-to-stand transfers,men and young people move faster than women or the elderly.Women and older people tend to have larger foot-ground contact areas than men and younger persons.Different rehabilitation measures are required for different ages,genders and diseases.

Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(5): 404-410, Sept.-Oct. 2010. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-570720


OBJETIVO: Analisar características espaço-temporais e ângulos articulares de crianças com paralisia cerebral andando sem o uso de suporte parcial de peso corporal (SPPC) em piso fixo e com 0 por cento e 30 por cento de SPPC em piso fixo e em esteira. MÉTODOS: Seis crianças com paralisia cerebral hemiplégica espástica (7,70±1,04 anos) foram filmadas andando com velocidade confortável sem o uso de SPPC, com 0 por cento e 30 por cento de SPPC em piso fixo e com 0 por cento e 30 por cento de SPPC em esteira. Marcadores refletivos foram afixados nos principais pontos anatômicos dos dois hemicorpos para registro das coordenadas "x", "y", "z". RESULTADOS: As crianças andaram mais rapidamente e com passadas mais longas e mais rápidas, com duração dos períodos de apoio simples e balanço maiores e apoio duplo menor no piso fixo do que na esteira, independentemente do uso do SPPC. O quadril foi a única articulação que apresentou diferenças entre os hemicorpos e entre as condições, sendo que o hemicorpo plégico apresentou menor amplitude de movimento (ADM) que o hemicorpo não plégico, e a ADM foi maior na condição sem o uso de SPPC do que com 30 por cento de SPPC em piso fixo. CONCLUSÃO: Crianças com paralisia cerebral hemiplégica espástica são capazes de andar em piso fixo e esteira com diferentes porcentagens de SPPC, sendo que seus desempenhos foram melhores no piso fixo, independentemente do uso de SPPC, do que na esteira.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the spatial-temporal characteristics and joint angles during overground walking without body weight support (BWS) and with 0 percent and 30 percent BWS, and during treadmill walking with the same BWS in children with cerebral palsy. METHODS: Six children with hemiplegic and spastic cerebral palsy (7.70 ± 1.04 years old) were videotaped during overground walking at a comfortable speed with no BWS, with 0 percent and 30 percent BWS, and during treadmill walking with 0 percent and 30 percent BWS. Reflective markers were placed over main bony landmarks in both body sides to register the coordinates "x", "y", "z". RESULTS: During overground walking, children walked faster and presented longer and faster strides, longer duration of single-stance and swing periods, and shorter duration of double-stance period, than treadmill walking, regardless of BWS use. The hip was the only joint that presented a difference between body sides and experimental conditions; i.e. range of motion (ROM) was reduced in the plegic side when compared to the nonplegic side, and during overground walking without BWS when compared to 30 percent BWS. CONCLUSION: Children with hemiplegic and spastic cerebral palsy were able to walk overground and on a treadmill with different percentages of BWS, and their performance was superior during overground walking, regardless of BWS use.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Ankle Joint/physiopathology , Cerebral Palsy/physiopathology , Hemiplegia/physiopathology , Hip Joint/physiopathology , Knee Joint/physiopathology , Walking , Weight-Bearing/physiology , Body Weight